Een overzicht van wetenschappelijke artikelen op basis van onderzoek door de Werkplaats SAMEN.
- Pannebakker, N. M., Reijneveld, S. A., Numans, M. E., & Kocken, P. (2023). Parents’ expected barriers to psychosocial care for children with complex problems. Child & Family Social Work.
- Proefschrift Towards increased understanding of integrated Youth Care: a qualitative evaluation of facilitators and barriers for professionals | Scholarly Publications (, L.A. Nooteboom, 2021
- Proefschrift Understanding care use by children with complex problems (te downloaden via, wachtwoord is 147925), N.P. Pannebakker, 2021
- Parental engagement in preventive youth health care: Effect evaluation, M.C.A. Bontje, R.W. de Ronde, E.M. Dubbeldeman, M. Kamphuis, R. Reis, M.R. Crone, 2021
- Exploring syndemic vulnerability across generations: A case study of a former fishing village in the Netherlands: M.N. Slagboom, M.R. Crone, R. Reis, 2020
- Care use and its intensity in children with complex problems are related to varying child and family factors: A follow-up study, N.M. Pannebakker, P.L. Kocken, P. van Dommelen, K. van Mourik, R. Reis, S.A. Reijneveld, M.E. Numans, 2020
- An integrated approach to meet the needs of high-vulnerable families: a qualitative study on integrated care from a professional perspective, L.A. Nooteboom, S.I. van den Driesschen, C.H.Z. Kuiper, R.R.J.M. Vermeiren, E.A. Mulder, 2020
- Towards Integrated Youth Care: A Systematic Review of Facilitators and Barriers for Professionals, L.A. Nooteboom, E.A. Mulder, C.H.Z. Kuiper, O.F. Collins, R.R.J.M. Vermeiren, 2020
- Handleiding ‘Bouwstenen van Evalueren voor Jeugdhulpprofessionals': L.A. Nooteboom, E.A. Mulder, C. Kuiper, S. van den Driesschen, J. Eilander, R.R.J.M. Vermeiren, 2019
- Determinants of adherence to wrap-around care in child and family in BMC health services review: N.M. Pannebakker, M.A.H. Fleuren, E. Vlasblom, M.E. Numans, S.A. Reijneveld, P.L. Kocken, 2019
- Proefschrift Cultural adaptation of a parenting intervention for parents in multi-ethnic disadvantaged neighborhoods (te downloaden via , wachtwoord is 15924), K. van Mourik, 2018
- De ervaringen van multiprobleemgezinnen met communicatie in de zorg: I. Moor, N.P. Pannebakker, S. Wins & P.L. Kocken, 2018
- Actieonderzoek als leidraad om te transformeren? Een voorbeeld uit de praktijk; C. Kuiper, E. ter Beek, F. Pannebakker, L. van Harten, 2018
- Services use by children and parents in multiproblem families; Children and Youth Services Review 84, N.M. Pannebakker, P.L. Kocken, M.H.C. Theunissen, K. van Mourik, M.R. Crone, M.E. Numans, S.A. Reijneveld, 2018
- Relevance of the intervention module “Coping with stress and unhelpful emotions "for parents living in multi-ethnic deprived neighborhoods; K. van Mourik, M.R. Crone, R. Reis, 2018
- Samen leren: het ontwikkelen en benutten van kennis met opleidingen en zorgprofessionals: Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen. 95. L.A. Nooteboom, J. Eilander, J. Theunissen, I. Baten, E. Mulder, I. Voordouw, 2017
- Parent Training Programs for Ethnic Minorities a Meta-analysis of Adaptations and Effect; K. van Mourik, M.R. Crone, M.S. de Wolff, R. Reis, 2016
- Parents' beliefs about the cause of parenting problems and relevance of parenting support: Understanding low participation of ethnic minority and low socioeconomic status families in the Netherlands; K. van Mourik, M.R. Crone, T.V.M. Pels, R.Reis, 2015
- Does one size fit all? The case for ethnic specific standards to assess growth in South Asian children; J.A. de Wilde, 2015
- Standaard Signaleringslijst; M.H.C. Theunissen, G.P.A. de Lijster, J.A. de Wilde, P.L. Kocken, 2013